Community Development Mapping

Community Development Mapping

Help to identify community assets and resource for strategic mobilization through Mobilization for Action through Planning and Partnerships.

We use Community Development Mapping approach to discover basic problems in a target community that obstac the community towards achieve its target development agendas.

Mikoko Development Foundation have been a good example towards helping community around mangrove forest understand about the importance of conservation and how to go through sustainable development goals. To achieve this volunteers have been a strongest part to make it happen.

About Community Development Mapping

Is all about involving residents in identifying the assets of their neighbourhood, looking at opportunities and creating a picture of what is like to live there... It can also foster a sense of environmental and community responsibility in local residents.

Target of Community Development Mapping

The goal of asset mapping is to document a community’s existing resources, incorporating these strengths into community development work.

The process of asset mapping can include identifying the institutions, individuals, and citizen associations existing within communities that serve as positive resources.

Approaching individuals and communities from an asset-based mentality empowers them to recognize their own strengths and capacities.

Community Development Mapping

  • Institution Mapping:-
  • Creates a map of positive institutions within the community. These can be oriented around solving a particular problem, or institution mapping can be completed on its own. For example: • Churches • Schools • Police stations • Grocery stores • Medical services • Local businesses • Parks • Libraries
  • Individual Mapping:-
  • Creates a map of the “gifts, skills and capacities” of the individuals living in the community, usually oriented around solving a particular problem.
  • Citizen Association Mapping:-
  • Creates a map of the associations through which people within communities come together
  • Understand resources, relationships and structures within a community as a means for bringing change.
    A Community Development Mapping can take many forms. Options include:
  • A comprehensive list of powerful individuals, associations, and institutions within a community;
  • A physical map of community resources;
  • A database containing institutions, resources, and community contacts.
    It focuses on what a neighborhood has instead of on what it needs, assuming that many solutions to a community’s problems already exist in the community.
    Write Email to us and we will respond to your very immediately towards Sustainable Green Habitable Tanzania Click Here to Email Us
    Bank Information
  • Bank Name: CRDB Bank PLC
  • Account Name: Mikoko Development Foundation
  • Account Number: 015C509149200
  • Branch: UDSM Branch
  • Swift Code: CORUTZTZ
And all collected funds will be channeled to the respective project or cause.

In order to keep project or cause well managed and monitored Mikoko Volunteers Program will charge 9% to 18% as project or cause overhead depends on the size of the total budget and the scale of the project covarage.

The Community Philanthropy Program for Creativity, Outdoor, Theater, Games, Camping, Adventure, STEAM, Culture, Design, Development, Support and Networking